Temple Stickers 

The goal of this project was to create a set of stickers that might look good on a laptop, or a water bottle, and that would appeal to a certain group of people. I wanted to develop a style that was classy, but fun too.

The primary focus of my sketching was to decide which angle I would create the temple stickers in. I also played around a little with styles. I immediately knew what temples I wanted to do. These temples are holy structures for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I chose these three specifically, because they are the ones nearest to the three universities owned by the church. I thought it would make the stickers special to a college-age audience.

The first draft was all about shapes. I needed something to work with, and so I just started to throw things together. 
After the second draft, I reached out to colleagues and received some feedback. They agreed with me that, while the backgrounds were fun, they were also distracting. I needed to come up with another way to incorporate the special elements from the cities the temples belong to. I was also encouraged to add shadows for dimension.
I liked the look of the bottom borders, and added much more detail.
Final Stickers

The process was a lot of fun, especially when the subject is something close to my heart. The colors fell in to place a lot easier for this project as well. Enjoy the final result!
Temple Stickers

Temple Stickers
